Come Explore With Us

At 552 meters above sea level, Victoria Peak is the highest point on Hong Kong Island. It’s also one of the most visited places for tourists, and it’s not hard to see why. Hong Kong’s 125-year-old gravity-defying Peak Tram takes you just 8 minutes from Central to access all of its stunning metropolitan vistas, lush forests and easy yet spectacular walks. I can do it. It’s predictable that the restaurant and he blossomed into a money-making circus complete with two shopping malls, but if you can get past that, there’s still some magic here.

The top station of the Peak Tram spits you out at The Peak Tower. Climb up to the 5th floor to reach Sky Terrace 428, named for its 428 meters above sea level. This is the pinnacle of the world in Hong Kong, and his 360-degree panoramic view of Hong Kong’s forest of skyscrapers, the harbor, and Kowloon beyond (Hong Kong business Instagram If you can dodge Glamor and the official photographer). best frame view front).

If you don’t mind the highest point, the Lions View Point Pavilion is worth checking out. This is a much more attractive viewpoint with a cute Chinese pagoda and a gate full of lion statues. Elderly locals sit and enjoy the view. There is a sign for a 2 minute walk from the upper tram terminus. About 500 meters northwest of Hill Station, up the steep Mount Austin Road, is the former Governor’s Villa, which was destroyed by the Japanese during World War II. However, the beautiful gardens remain and have been renovated with Victorian pavilions, sundials, benches and stone pillars. they are open to the public. It takes about 30 minutes to get here. Passing through the gardens, you’ll find a second vantage point overlooking the island and the sea.

For longer hikes, including the 3.5km morning trail, get a map from the Hong Kong Visitor Center aboard the disused tram next to The Peak Tower, or download the Enjoy Hiking Hong Kong app.

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