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One of Hong Kong’s oldest temples and a declared monument, the atmospheric Man Mo Temple is dedicated to the pen-wielding gods of literature (“Man”) and sword-wielding war gods (“Wu”). increase. Built by a wealthy Chinese merchant in 1847 during the Qing dynasty, the building was a place of worship and an arbitration court for local disputes when trust between the Chinese and colonialists was low.

There was also Vows taken at this Taoist temple, often accompanied by the ritual decapitation of a rooster, were accepted by the colonial government.

In front of the main entrance are four of his gold plates on sticks that were carried in procession. Two describe the deities worshiped inside, one calls for silence and a show of respect within the temple grounds, and finally one warns menstruating women to stay away from the main temple. To do. Inside the temple are two richly carved 19th-century palanquins once carried in festivals by two gods.

Rows of large spirals in earth tones hang from the roof like overgrown mushrooms in an upside-down garden, giving the temple an intoxicating smoky air. These are incense that devotees burn as offerings.

Next to it is the Lit Shing Kung, a ‘sacred shrine’ dedicated to other Buddhist and Taoist deities. Another hall, the Kung Sor (“public meeting place”), served as a court for settling disputes between the Chinese community before the introduction of the modern legal system. The entrance couplet asks those who enter to put their selfish interests and prejudices out.

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