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The Bund

An icon of Shanghai during the concession era, the Bund was the city’s Wall Street, the site of frenzied commerce and wealth. Originally a towpath for hauling rice barges, the Bund (an English inscription for muddy waterside causeway) has gradually been transformed into an epic loop of Shanghai’s most powerful banks and trading houses . The best activity here is to stroll through the contrasting bones of the past and the futuristic geometry of Pudong’s skyline. Most of the Art Deco and Neoclassical buildings here were built in his early 20th century and are impressive to those – if not noticeably Chinese – who enter the bustling port town by boat. provided a view of Today, it has evolved into a designer shopping and dining district, with the city’s most exclusive boutiques, restaurants and hotels considering the Bund the only place. Evening visits are rewarded with stunning views of Pudong and the lit-up splendor of the Bund. Other options include Huangpu River cruises and relaxing in great bars and restaurants. At the northern end of the trail, Huangpu Park is home to the modest Bund History Museum, which houses a collection of old photographs and maps. Come here early to enjoy the mesmerizing spectacle of morning gymnastics.

Yuyuan Gardens & Bazaar

With shaded alcoves, glistening fish ponds, pavilions, pine trees sprouting from rock gardens and throngs of Japanese tourists, Yu Garden is one of Shanghai’s top attractions, but it gets overwhelmingly crowded on weekends. Spring and summer flowers bring a fragrant floral aspect to the garden, especially the lush petals of the Shanghai flower Magnolia grandiflora. Other trees include thick needle-studded Arhat pine, willows, ginkgo biloba, cherry blossoms and majestic sequoias. A wealthy Ming dynasty official, the Pan family, established these gardens and took him 18 years (1559–77) to tend them until they were bombed during the Opium Wars of 1842. The garden was again destroyed during French retaliation for attacks on nearby French concessions during the Taiping Rebellion. These restored gardens are fine examples of Ming garden design. Next to the garden entrance is the Zhonghuting Tea House, which was once part of the garden and is now one of the most famous tea houses in China. The adjacent bazaar may be kitschy, but it’s fine to browse if you can handle the onslaught of crowds.The nearby Taoist Temple of the City God is also worth a visit. Just outside the bazaar is Old Street, better known as Middle Phanbang Road. It is a busy street lined with souvenir shops and coffee shops.