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Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

Of China’s surreal landscapes, Zhangjiajie must vie for one of the most impressive. A forest of beautifully weathered spires rises from lush valleys filled with dripping moss, fragrant flowers and acrobatic monkeys. At dawn, the ensemble is accompanied by a chorus of chirping insects. The national park covers 690 km² and deciding where to go can be a daunting task. The hotel will provide maps and help you plan the route that best suits your needs. The first thing to know is that there are two main entrances.The main gate city Wulingyuan (Wǔlíngyuán) and the less developed forest park (Forest Park Sēnlín Gōngyuán). There are other entrances, but you can’t use them unless you make a reservation. From either entrance, all routes start at the valley floor and climb to the top of the tower where the main viewpoint is located. A network of funiculars, glass elevators, mini monorails, and free shuttle buses will take you there, but no matter how you get there, you’ll still have to walk a considerable distance. If departing from Wulingyuan, you will need to queue at the entrance for the chairlift or monorail bus (hikers go to the monorail). Crowded like a park. The park is big enough to accommodate a large group of people, and you won’t have trouble finding solitude if you hike most of the trails. If you start from Forest Park, he hikes the flat valley floor to the lift for about two hours, or starts climbing to the top after an hour. There are 5 main scenic spots in total.Tianzi Mountain, Yangjiajie, Yuanjiajie, Jinbuxi, Huangshi Village. You can’t see all the areas in one day, so plan accordingly. From April to September it is very hot and humid. It rains often, so be prepared.